Monday, February 26, 2007

Who doesn't love dimples?

Take a good look at this refined, dignified, yet boyishly dimpled face. You will being seeing it quite a bit not only in 2008, when he runs for president, but further in the future as well, when he is president.

Alright, story time...
Who doesn't love a success story? A story of someone coming from nothing, to make it big for themselves; a journey of hard work, sweat and toil is always respected. Rockafeller did it, 2Pac did it, Walt Disney did it, and so did Giuliani, rising from working class and lower to become something and someone. Obama is not the only one in this race who showed strength and courage, working hard to rise to where they stand today; Giuliani did it, and he did it first. He was born to 1st generation American working class parents, and a father who had his own troubles. Rudy attended school, working his way up to graduate cum laude from the New York University School of Law. And that was just the beginning. So don't neglect the fact that Giuliani is a self-made man; and has been gaining experience ever since. He's a leader who came from the people to help the people. He worked hard and showed the world what can happen.

He's no turkey

I’ve heard amazing, inspirational people, real change agents are born on May 28th, to name a few are singer Kylie Minogue, playmate Leisa Sheridan, NBA superstar Jerry West, American Activist Jack Kevorkian, Ian Lancaster Fleming the author of James Bond, underground railway conductor Eliza Ann Gardner, George I the King of England, and of course, two of the more important names, Brianne Michelle Boyer, and Rudolph William Louis "Rudy" Giuliani III.


Upon searching the World Wide Web for this man, one must not confuse him with the female wild turkey Giuliani, who has lived in Riverside Park, NYC, and ruled the Upper West Side since 2003. To clarify, the turkey was named after Mayor Giuliani and not visa versa. There is no foul/fowl commonality, only the fact that they ruled the city. I imagine Giuliani must have been ecstatic to learn they were naming a female turkey after him. What a way to go down in history!

So who is this man who has the boldness to run for President of the United States after only being a mayor, while most of the competition has experience as a governor or senator? The answer: a man who transformed New York City into the nation’s safest major city. He greatly reduced crime, cleaned up the city, and improved the quality of the city for the residents. He demonstrated astounding leadership during the attack on the World Trade Center crisis, thus resulting in him being named TIME’s 2001 Person of the Year, and knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. These are but a few of his many admirable accomplishments.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

beyond parties

Although I am moderate and my opinions are biased, I find it hard to understand why some people are so set in the ways of their given political party that they cannot fathom analyzing an issue by its terms, but rather by which party supports it. Of course I respect loyalty, but it is one thing to espouse ideas that are congruent with one's belief, and another completely to uphold any and every idea based upon its left wing, or right wing stance solely. I see political party suggestions as more of a guideline rather than a concrete tunnel. I believe in understanding an issue, and basing an opinion on the facts. That is why I favor Republican Giuliani, even though I myself am registered as a democrat. It is in looking at the past that I have gained respect for Giuliani, and the way he handled the 9/11 situation. He became the face and voice of reason, compassion and hope. He became the face the country turned to and listened to when our own president was absent. He was present at the tragic scene almost immediately, dawning a New York City Fire Department windbreaker and hat. He handled the crisis perfectly, with swift action and unwavering support for our country. He readily supplied information on a constant basis and instilled hope within Americans everywhere. During this traumatic event he became known as “America’s Mayor,” for it was he who the country relied upon.