Thursday, April 26, 2007
Me, Myself, and Giuliani
Unfruitful Attempts
It's dumb, but it's official, Republican John McCain has officially launched his 2008 campaign for president.
He is far behind New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who leads the Republican presidential field in public-opinion polls, already. Is it wise for him to continue running?? I think not!! Too old, too Bush-like, too passive, and too uncertain, McCain has no chance!
McCain squints to try to see Giuliani so far ahead of him.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
McCain is inappropriate!
It talks about McCain’s inappropriate humor. He jokes about the War in
The article talks about how "McCain had a similar response last week to criticism of his joking rendition at a campaign appearance in South Carolina of the opening lyrics of the Beach Boys rock classic "Barbara Ann," calling the tune "Bomb Iran" and changing the words to "bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, anyway, ah ..."
To clear a few things up

You may have heard it, know it's untrue.
The problem is Giuliani never said what the headlines claimed. It all started with a story in The Politico newspaper, which contained not a single quote to support its lead and headline. But it got picked up elsewhere nonetheless.
What Giuliani actually did say is what he has been saying for weeks, that Democrats would play defense instead of offense in the War on Terror, the same approach tried back before 9/11.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Partial-birth abortions...not for rudy!
"HENNIKER, N.H. -- Republican presidential contender Rudy Giuliani defended his positions on a late-term abortion procedure and gun control Tuesday as he faced skeptical GOP voters who questioned his sincerity.
"I don't think there's an inconsistency," the former
He does not favor abortions. He is pr0-choice. He is completely against partial-birth abortions.
Memorize this, it won't change.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Clinton vs Giuliani
"A new Quinnipiac University poll of critical swing states shows that if the 2008 election were held today, Rudy Giuliani would beat Hillary Clinton in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. That's a switch for Ohio, where Giuliani leads Clinton 46 percent to 41 percent. In March, Clinton led Giuliani, 46 percent to 43 percent, in Ohio. "
Not only is he leading the Republican's, he's leading the whole pack!!
A Look At The Polls

Giuliani 33%
McCain 22%
Thompson 17%
Romney 12%