I want to clarify Giuliani’s position on abortion, because this seems to be an issue that some individuals, like this reporter, have trouble understanding. Giuliani clearly states his position:
"I would vote to preserve the option for women. I think the better thing for America to do is to leave that choice to the woman because it affects her probably more than anyone else."
I have found a new best friend. I would love to share an excerpt with you from http://flapsblog.com/?p=4610 who shares in my opinion that McCain is not suitable to be president.
“John McCain, 70 and scarred, cannot deny his age. So he jokes about it. “I’m older than dirt, more scars than Frankenstein, but I learned a few things along the way,” quips the Republican presidential candidate, who tries to play down the ravages of time for the wisdom acquired over seven decades.
His body is battered from torture in Vietnam. The scar along his left cheek is a reminder of a different battle, with skin cancer. Yet, McCain packs his work days so tight that aides grouse. And the man who could be the oldest first-term president hiked the Grand Canyon from “rim to rim” last summer.
Despite McCain’s high-energy lifestyle, getting older begets questions about health. The four-term Arizona senator no doubt will have to prove to voters that he is physically and mentally up to the demanding job of president.
Flap knows that Senator McCain is too OLD to be President. The job is too demanding and stressful for a 70 year old man - irrespective of McCain’s past medical history.
Flap expects his President to be vigorous and alert to make the RIGHT decision.
McCain doesn’t make it.
And the American people feel the same way:
Still, an aging candidate troubles some voters.
Two recent surveys found that people are less likely to vote for a presidential candidate who is older than 72 than they would a candidate who has been divorced twice and a candidate who is Mormon. Giuliani is on his third marriage; Romney is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
In Michigan, Jerry Roe, a Republican who is a former state GOP executive director, backed McCain in 2000 but supports Romney this time. “McCain’s too old,” Roe said recently.
“He looks tired. He looks like he’s dragging,” added Chip Felkel, a GOP strategist in South Carolina who says he is not aligned with a candidate.
McCain is attempting to counter health and age skeptics.
After two days of campaigning does McCain look vigorous?”
It is respectable the way Giuliani makes decisions and values the ability to do so, even while this may be “unpopular”. As he states at the end of this video, our government is indecisive, which there is no excuse for. I know that I certainly want a president that is capable of making decisions and justifying them truthfully, instead of giving the false reasons that the American public has received in the past.
I certainly agree that Giuliani would change the Republican Party as well as the way our country is run for the better. Perhaps I believe and espouse these ideas to such an extent because I as well have mixed Party views. As I have discussed before, I am moderate, and in accordance with Rudy believe that Party stances should not dictate the outcome of a given issue. Giuliani is Republican, yet found to be somewhat socially liberal. This is where those who don’t favor Rudy attack. They say that he needs to make up his mind and either be a Republican or a Democrat and not both. What these people need to realize is that Giuliani is not confused. He doesn’t need to find himself, or decide to do things strictly one way or another. The world is not black and white, and neither are the answers to issues that befall upon society. He is capable of putting aside a title and looking into the issue to decide what would be the best possible solution. If someone has a problem with this, then maybe it’s time they had a reality check.
“Tough and smart, sure. But who knew about Rudy's big heart? Here's how a very human man taught us superhuman courage. Sixteen hours had passed since the TwinTowers crumbled and fell, and people kept telling Rudy Giuliani to get some rest. The indomitable mayor of New York City had spent the day and night holding his town together. He arrived at the World Trade Center just after the second plane hit, watched human beings drop from the sky and--when the south tower imploded--nearly got trapped inside his makeshift command center near the site. Then he led a battered platoon of city officials, reporters and civilians north through the blizzard of ash and smoke, and a detective jimmied open the door to a firehouse so the mayor could revive his government there. Giuliani took to the airwaves to calm and reassure his people, made a few hundred rapid-fire decisions about the security and rescue operations, toured hospitals to comfort the families of the missing and made four more visits to the apocalyptic attack scene.”
Sometimes it takes a visit into one’s past to strengthen their future.
Quotes and blunders by McCain (brought to you by http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=19668) Believe it or not....
"On February 28, he compared leaders of the Religious Right to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and activist leader Rev. Al Sharpton. The following day he accused the Rev. Pat Robertson and Rev. Jerry Falwell of wielding “an evil influence” over the Republican Party. "
He "referring to lives lost in the Iraq war as “wasted,” instantly dissipating much of the goodwill he had built up among conservatives with his support of the war."
He announced that he was running for President on...ready for this?... the Letterman show. Odd choice since his target is republicans, yet "conservatives don’t adore Letterman."
These are but a few of his past slip-ups, with many more surely on the way. No wonder Giuliani is in the lead!
After the most recent polling, www.cnn.com delivered these glorious results: "Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is the clear front-runner in the crowded GOP presidential field and has a substantial lead on the closest competition, according to a CNN poll released Monday. Giuliani is the preferred candidate for 34 percent of likely Republican voters, according to the poll, conducted by Opinion Research Corp. Giuliani has a double-digit lead over his nearest rival, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who is the choice candidate for 18 percent of potential Republican voters, according to the poll, which had a sampling error of plus or minus 5 percent. Giuliani has made noticeable gains in the GOP race since late January, when he polled at 32 percent and McCain at 26 percent. McCain's support has slumped in the past few weeks and now sits at its lowest point in six months. His campaign, however, said the senator is happy with his role as underdog because it will allow him to surprise the front-runner, as he did during his campaign against President Bush in 2000, when he won the New Hampshire primary." As Giuliani's lead takes off, I find it quite amusing that McCain must grasp wildly for any excuse or explanation he can. He assumes that, like in the tale of the tortoise and the hair, he will pull ahead and win at the very end. But wait a minute... wasn't it the hair who fell asleep and NOT the tortoise?
My personal problem with John McCain is his soft, slow speech patterns and passive demeanor. He reminds me too much of President Bush, whom I would not consider my favorite person. I think America has been led by an idiot for long enough, and McCain would only further this streak. Giuliani has the type of strong personality which is needed in leading a nation successfully. I am not the only one who sees the hazardous similarities between McCain and Bush; published on www.FreeMarketNews.com is an article entitled “McCain is a Clone of Bush.” “The John McCain presidency effectively began on January 10, 2007, when George W. Bush announced the deployment of five more combat brigades to Iraq. This escalation of an unpopular war ran counter to the advice of Bush’s senior military leadership, ignored the recommendations made by the bipartisan Iraq Study Group, and sidestepped the objections of the Iraqi government it was ostensibly intended to assist. But the plan was nearly identical to what the Republican senior senator from Arizona, nearly alone among his Capitol Hill colleagues, had been advocating.” -Reason Magazine
Let me introduce you to Senator John Sidney McCain:
While McCain tries to play the image of a straight-talking reformer, his efforts are suppressed by his biggest adversary… himself. So then why, when he himself is his biggest hindrance, does he direct personal attacks on Giuliani? Because he is a little man (both literally and figuratively), who needs to pull others down to be seen and get ahead.
As Race42008.com reported, “McCain’s supporters are invisible at events like CPAC — but make no mistake, they make their influence felt. Two well-dressed young ladies came up to me and asked if I’d like some information on Rudy Giuliani. Their attire sticks out — most activists pushing candidates like Romney and Brownback are wearing t-shirts with stickers for their candidates. These girls are wearing no stickers for anyone. They gave me three articles. One, the Placa story. Two, the Political article on Rudy’s judges. And three, a D.C. Examiner piece insinuating Rudy is a draft dodger. Later on, placards start appearing touting the results of the S.C. straw poll in which McCain mysteriously gains 50 votes overnight.”
Is that the best you’ve got John? In Giuliani’s defense:
1. The Placa Story: Alan Placa, a priest, was an associate of Giuliani’s, who was accused of fondling a teenager. First of all, Placa was only accused, he was never found guilty. Secondly, this incident did not have anything to do with Giuliani; he was not involved in the least, and he should not have his name sullied for his professional relationship with Placa.
2. McCain uses Giuliani’s choice to elect strict constructionist judges like Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito into the Supreme Court against him. This confuses me; McCain claims to be Republican, yet considers right wing judges to be a disadvantage?
3. Draft dodger? While Giuliani reported that he did not agree with Vietnam, that is not his reason for his deferment. At the time he was working as a clerk for a judge, who requested him to stay due to his good work and political potential, and it was he who gave him an occupational deferment. When it expired, Giuliani drew draft number 308, which was never called. Giuliani may have never gone to war, but he certainly didn’t dodge the draft. McCain should be proud to be a war veteran, instead he goes tattling like a 5yr old, that Rudy didn’t have to go to war, but he did; not fair. At age 70, McCain still needs to grow up.
McCain can stoop to personal attacks all he wants, for the only one who looks bad is he; especially while Giuliani’s publicly praising his running mates.
So the question is, is Senator John McCain really “worthy” and a “good man,” or is Rudy Giuliani just being honorable.
I challenge you to watch these video clips from a Hannity and Colmes interview, and NOT fall in love with the brilliance, ideals, and goals of Rudy Giuliani.
Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Turned an immense deficit into a surplus. Reduced the average NYC 10,000 murders a year by 60-70%. Hates abortion, but respects the woman's right to choose.It's a bird, it's a plane, no...it's Rudy Giuliani!
Not positive of this claim? Continue watching PART TWO
He's a smart man, an honest man, and doesn't need to fight dirty.Towards the end of this last clip he states that all his contestants are worthy, that they are "good men." But are they? Do they play fair? Or do they need to belittle the amazing Giuliani in order to gain votes? Let's ask John McCain