Tuesday, March 6, 2007

McCain is a Clone of Bush

My personal problem with John McCain is his soft, slow speech patterns and passive demeanor. He reminds me too much of President Bush, whom I would not consider my favorite person. I think America has been led by an idiot for long enough, and McCain would only further this streak. Giuliani has the type of strong personality which is needed in leading a nation successfully. I am not the only one who sees the hazardous similarities between McCain and Bush; published on www.FreeMarketNews.com is an article entitled “McCain is a Clone of Bush.”
“The John McCain presidency effectively began on January 10, 2007, when George W. Bush announced the deployment of five more combat brigades to Iraq. This escalation of an unpopular war ran counter to the advice of Bush’s senior military leadership, ignored the recommendations made by the bipartisan Iraq Study Group, and sidestepped the objections of the Iraqi government it was ostensibly intended to assist. But the plan was nearly identical to what the Republican senior senator from Arizona, nearly alone among his Capitol Hill colleagues, had been advocating.” -Reason Magazine


phoebe said...

I think it's very brave of you to take on this issue and to make statements like this. i applaud you. I also happen to agree with you, but I'm not sure I would have the guts to put it out there like that. Good topic, good passion.

Marion Evans said...

I never thought of the comparison of the two. HOWEVER, I totally see it!! Very impressed that you dove straight into this topic in such an aggressive manner.. love it!

Anonymous said...

I love how straight forward you are and I think you’ve got a really interesting topic. =)

A clone of Bush for our next president? Oh. My. God.